

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    -1911 13. Lin, E. C. L., Tsai, J. C. H., & Peng, Y. C. (2009). Lessons Learned from the Anti-SARS Quarantine Experience in a hospital-based fever screening station in Taiwan. American Journal of Infection Control, (in press) (SCI)林靜蘭
    -19111. Lam, K.K., Cheng, B.Y., Hsiao, G., Chen, S.Y., Shen, H.H., Yen, M.H. and Lee, Y.M. Estrogen Deficiency-Induced Alterations of Vascular MMP-2, MT1-MMP, and TIMP-2 in Ovariectomized Rats. Am. J. Hypertension 22(1): 27-34, 2009. (SCI)<br>、 2. Mao, S.P., Chang, C.C., Chen, S.Y. and Lai, H.C. Gestational thrombocytopenia complicated with macrosomia, failure to progress in active labor, and postpartum hemorrhage. Taiwan J. Obstet. Gynecol. 46(2): 177-179, 2007. (SCI)<br>、 3. Chen, S.Y., Hsiao G., Hwang, H.R., Cheng, P.Y. and Lee, Y.M. Tetramethylpyrazine induces heme oxygenase-1 expression and attenuates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury in rats. J. Biomedical Sci. 13: 731-740, 2006. (SCI)<br>. 4. Lam, K.K., Lee, Y.M., Hsiao, G., Chen, S.Y. and Yen, M.H. Estrogen therapy replenishes vascular tetrahydrobiopterin and reducesoxidative stress in ovariectomized rats. Manopause, Mar-Apr;13(2):294-302, 2006. (SCI)<br>. 5. Lee, Y.M., Cheng, P.Y., Hong, S.F., Chen, S.Y., Lam, KK, Sheu, J.R. and Yen, M.H. Oxidative Stress induces vascular heme oxygenase-1 expression in ovariectomized rats. Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 39:108-117, 2005. (SCI)<br>. 6. Chen, S.Y. and Chai, C.Y. Coexistence of neurons integrating urinary bladder activity and pelvic nerve activity in the same cardiovascular areas of the pontomedulla in cats. Chin. J. Physiol., 45(1): 41-50, 2002. (SCI)<br>. 7. Chen, S.Y., Mao, S.P., Su, C.K., Wang, S.D. and Chai, C.Y. Activation of noradrenergic mechanism attenuates the glutamate-induced vasopressor responses in the pons and medulla of cats. Prog. Neuro-psychopharmacol. & Biol. Psychiatry, 25(5): 1063-1081, 2001. (SCI)<br>. 8. Chen, S.Y., Mao, S.P. and Chai, C.Y. Role of nitric oxide on pressor mechanisms within dorsomedial and rostral ventrolateral medulla in anesthetized cats. Clin. Exp. Pharmacol. Physiol., 28 (3):155-163, 2001. (SCI)<br>.陳淑瑩
    -1911陳鳳櫻、陳淑齡、林靜娟 (2008). 婦女處理尿失禁的經驗. 弘光學報,53,15-22。. (HK-93-03)陳鳳櫻
    -1911 陳鳳櫻、戴玉慈、陳淑齡、余宏政 (2008). 影響婦女夜尿次數的因素。志為雜誌,7(3),69-79.陳鳳櫻
    -1911 陳鳳櫻、戴玉慈、謝玉賀(2008). 尿失禁婦女疾病認知與因應行為之相關性研究。實證護理,4(1),12-20。(HK-SCHM-94-07;HK-SCHM-95-03陳鳳櫻
    -1911 Chen, F. Y., Dai, Y.T., Liu, C. K., Yu, H. J., Liu, C. Y., & Chen, T. H. H. (2007). Perception of nocturia and medical consulting behavior among community-dwelling women. International Urogynecology Journal, 18, 431-436. (SCI)陳鳳櫻
    -1911 陳鳳櫻、戴玉慈、黃穗芬 (2007). 夜尿婦女生活品質、因應行為及其相關影響因素。 實證護理,3(2), 99-106. (HK-CCH-94-03陳鳳櫻
    -1911 Yu, H. J., Chen, F. Y., Huang, P. C., Chen, T. S. H., Chie, W. C., & Liu, C. Y. (2006). Impacts of nocturia on symptom specific quality of life among community-dwelling adults aged 40 years and older. Urology, 67, 713-718. (SCI)陳鳳櫻
    -1911 陳淑齡、曾雅玲、陳鳳櫻 (2004).五專護生實習壓力的生活經驗-現象學的研究.長庚護理,15(3),282-292陳鳳櫻
    -1911 羅月英、劉波兒、陳鳳櫻 (2004). 協助一位罹患乳癌婦女面臨中止妊娠之護理經驗. 弘光學報,44,1–7陳鳳櫻


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