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    104Chen, F. H., Chen, S. L., & Hu, W. Y. (2015). Taiwanese womens experiences of lactation suppression after stillbirth. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic, & Neonatal Nursing, 44(4), 510-517. doi: 10.1111/1552-6909.12724 (SSCI) (SSCI)陳馥萱
    102蘇鈺婷、陳馥萱,2013,蘇鈺婷、陳馥萱*(2013)‧父親於周產期死亡事件之哀傷與照護‧護理雜誌,60,護理雜誌,60 (其他)陳馥萱
    102陳馥萱、蘇鈺婷、曾振志、王素秋,2013,陳馥萱、蘇鈺婷、曾振志、王素秋*(2013)‧抗磷脂抗體症候群之周產期照護‧榮總護理,30(3),25-29。,榮總護理,30,3,pp25-29 (其他)陳馥萱
    101陳馥萱、胡文郁,2013,陳馥萱、胡文郁*(2013)‧周產期死亡事件對護理人員的衝擊及其因應‧護理雜誌,60(1),87-91。doi: 10.6224/JN.60.1.87,護理雜誌,60,1,pp87-91 (其他)陳馥萱
    101陳馥萱、余玉眉,2012,陳馥萱、余玉眉*(2012)‧生命末期的另一個照護議題:周產期安寧照護‧安寧療護雜誌,17(3),329-339。,安寧療護雜誌,17,3,pp329-339 (其他)陳馥萱
    101林美華、陳馥萱,2012,林美華、陳馥萱*(2012)‧一位椎間盤突出合併脊椎狹窄患者的術後照顧經驗‧弘光學報,68,48-61。,弘光學報,68,pp48-61 (其他)陳馥萱
    101陳馥萱、王素秋,2011,陳馥萱*、王素秋(2011)‧以家庭生態系統觀點論死產婦女的處境與健康‧助產雜誌,53,12-16。,助產雜誌,53,pp12-16 (其他)陳馥萱
    -1911(1)Shu-Yuan Chao, Chaio-Rung Chen, Hsing-Yuan Liu,Mary Jp Clark (2008). Meet the real Elders: Reminiscence link between the past and present. Journal of Clinical Nursing (SSCI).( Accepted).<br>、 (2)Shu-Yuan Chao, Yii-Hwei Lan, Hsiu-Ching Tso, Chao- Ming Chung, Yum-Mei Neim, Mary Jo Clark. (2008). Predictors of psychosocial adaptation for the elderly in long term care institution. The Journal of nursing Research(TSSCI). 16(.2), 149-159.<br>、 (3)Kuo-Wei Yeh, Shu-Yuan Chao, Li-Chi Chiang, Hsiang-Ru Lai, Sue-Hsien Chen, Li-Chen and Jing-Long Huang (2006). Increasing Asthma Care Knowledge and Competence of Public Health Nurses after a national Asthma Education Program in Taiwan. Asian Pacific of Allergy and Immunology,(SCI)24, 183-189.<br>. (4)Shu-Yuan Chao, Hsing-Yuan Liu, Chiu-Ten Wu, Chaio-Rung Chen, Suh-Fen Jin, Tsung-Lan Chu, Tzu-Shin Huang (2006). The Effects of Group Reminiscence Therapy on Depressive status, Self Esteem and Life satisfaction of the Elders in Nursing Home. Journal of Nursing Research.14(1),36-45,.<br>. (5)Shu-Yuan Chao (2005). A psychoeducational program for nursing staff managing problematic behavior in elderly nursing home residents in Taiwan. Applied Nursing Research(SCI), 18,205-212.<br>. (6)Li-Chi Chiang, Jing-Long Huang, Shu-Yuan Chao* (2005). Comparsion of self-management behaviors of parents with asthmatic children in northern Taiwan by quantitative and qualitative methods. Journal of Nursing Research.13 (2) ,85-96 .(優良期刊).<br>. (7)Shu-Yuan Chao ,Patricia Roth (2005). Dimensions of quality care in long-term care facilities in Taiwan. Journal of Advanced Nursing(SSCI). 52,(6),609-618.<br>. (8)Kuo-Wei Yeh, Li-Chi Chiang, Shu-Yuan Chao , Shiang-Ru Lai, Sue-Hsieh Chen, Dah-Chin Yan, L i-Chen Chen, Mei-Huei Yang (2004). The Competence of Nursing in Public Health Bureau After School Course Asthma Education Program in Taiwan. Pediatrics (Manuscript submitted for publication).<br>. (9)Shu-Yuan Chao ,Dah-Chin Yan, Liang-Shiou Ou, Ching-Hsiung Tsao, Chun-Yi Chen, Shang-Lu Lai, Li-Chi Chiang, and Jing-Long Huang (2003). Primary school Nurses’ knowledge/competence pertaining to childhood asthma and its management prior to and following a national asthma education program in Taiwan. Journal of Asthma (SCI) 40(8), 927-934.<br>. (10)Shu-Yuan Chao , Patricia Roth (2000). The experiences of Taiwanese woman caregiving for parents-in-Law. Journal of Advanced Nursing(SSCI)31(3),631-638.<br>. (11)Shu-Yuan Chao , Patricia Roth (1999). “Woman caregivers for frail aging parents in Taiwan”in “ Women‘s Health Issue: International Perspective” Mark Alley Publishing Group. U.K.pp 151-158.<br>. (12)藍育慧、趙淑員、莊照明、林昭卿、施明標 (通訊作者)(2008)。機構老 人憂鬱感、希望感、死亡感受及其相關之探討。弘光學報 53期(已接受)<br>. (13)藍育慧、莊照明、林昭卿、趙淑員(2008,3月)。社區老人安適感、希望感、與死亡態度及其相關之探討。社區發展季刊,121,303-319。 <br>. (14)周玉淳、藍育慧、趙淑員 (2008)(通訊作者)運用個別懷舊治療減緩一位失智長者焦慮之護理經驗。護理雜誌,55(4),105-110。<br>. (15)趙淑員、劉杏元、吳秋燕、張怡雅、陳曉容(2007)。服務學習方案對護生接觸老人壓力及老人態度之探討。長庚科技學刊,7,35-52。<br>. (16)簡松興、藍育慧、趙淑員(通訊作者)(2008,4月)。從台灣俗諺中飲食觀念談衛生教育。弘光學報,52, 81-88。<br>. (17)藍育慧、趙淑員、陳淑齡、莊照明、郭容美(2008)非安寧單位護理人員安寧認知、死亡恐懼、情緒困擾及其相關因素之探討。 安寧療護雜誌,12(2), 156-171. <br>. (18)林昭卿、莊照明、趙淑員、李春國(2008,4月)長期照護機構住民照護需求評估研究。弘光學報,52期,67-80。<br>. (19)陳文詮、趙淑員(2006)。年輕女性原住民與非原住民在爆發力與體型上的比較分析。運動生理暨體能學報,第四輯,93-106。<br>. (20)趙淑員、劉杏元、陳曉容(2005)。懷舊團體於護理之家發展及其對住民療效因素探討。健康促進暨衛生教育雜誌,25,1-20。<br>. (21)趙淑員(2004)“照顧者負荷與需求”. 於鄭惠珍等著長期照護。高立出版 頁139-154。<br>. (22)趙淑員(2004)“台灣護理教育的發展研究”。(初版)高立出版社。<br>. (23)趙淑員、陳曉容、吳秋燕、劉杏元(2004)“懷舊治療於老人照護之應用.長期照護雜誌,8(2),p213-222.”。<br>. (24)趙淑員、陳曉容、王琤、吳秋燕、劉杏元、黃鑠彭合著(2004)“照顧服務員對住民心裡社會照護與問題行為處理能力探討.長庚護理雜誌,15(3),p293-304.”。<br>. (25) 劉杏元、趙淑員*(2004). “ 是不交會的平行線還是親密的教育夥伴:開創學生事務的教育夥伴已提昇學生學習” 學生事務,43(4),p50-62.<br>. (26) 趙淑員、劉杏元、陳曉容(2004)懷舊團體於護理之家的發展及其對住民之療效因素探討。衛生教育暨健康促進雜誌。(已接受)<br>. (27) 趙淑員、徐瑩微、劉杏元、吳秋燕、陳曉容(2004)“護生於實習場所遭受性騷擾經驗探討.長庚科技學刊.”。第三期, 89-104.<br>. (28) 賴香如、趙淑員、蔣立琦(2004)“學校氣喘學生健康管理工作. 健康促進與資源運用, 台灣健康促進暨衛生教育學繪編著, 台灣健康促進計衛生教育學會出版”。<br>. (29) 趙淑員(2004)“高膽固醇血症學生校園個案管理模式建立之研究(第一年) ” 國科會期末報告。(NSC 92-2314-B-255-002) <br>. (30) 趙淑員(2002)“類自我導向心理衛生教育方案於長期照護機構施行成效” 國科會期末報告。(NSC 90-2314-B-255-001)<br>. (31) 趙淑員 (2001) (與廖張京棣、陳敏麗合著) “國內各級醫療機構病患服務員工作執行現況與主管滿意度之探討”發表於長庚護專學報,第三期17頁至32頁。(NSC-89-2320-B-255-07) <br>. (32) 趙淑員 (2001)(與蔣立琦, 黃璟隆合著)“藉由綜合質量性研究法建構國內氣喘兒童父母自我處理行為評量表” 護理研究, 9(1),p87-96. (優良期刊)。 <br>. (33) 趙淑員(2000)(與楊麗珠合著)“台灣各級醫療機構病患服務員人口特徵與工作背景探討”護理雜誌(研究稿),47(4),22-30.<br>. (34) 趙淑員 (與黃智妹等合著)(2000) “精神科護理學” (二版) 高立出版社<br>. (35)趙淑員 (與林壽惠、盧孳艷等等合著)(2005)“社區護理專業範疇與專業人員職責規範手冊學” 台灣護理學會趙淑員
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