

  • 關鍵字搜尋
  • 期刊論文
    -1911 (5).Chang YH, Haung ML, and Shiau MY* Germline Premature-termination Mutations of p53 Gene in a Patient with Gastric Leiomyosarcoma. Hungkuang Journal 41: 149-155, 2003. May<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (6).Haung ML, Chang YH, Chang YS, and Shiau MY*. Temporal Relationship between Immune Responses against Topoisomerase I, Topoisomerase II, p53, p16 and p27 and Chemotherapeutic efficacy in Cancer Patients. Hungkuang Journal 42: 39-46, 2003.Nov.<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (7).Hsu YT, Chang YH, and Shiau MY*. Absence of anti-p53 autoantibodies in Taiwanese patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Hungkuang Journal 42: 47-55, 2003. Nov.<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (8).Chang YH, Huang CN, and Shiau MY*. The C-174G promoter polymorphism of the interleukin(IL-6) gene that affects insulin sensitivity in Caucasians is not involved in the pathogenesis of Taiwanese type 2 diabetes mellitus. European Cytokine Network 15(2): 117-119, 2004 June. (SCI, 2004)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (9).Chang YH*, Shiau MY, Tsai CT, and Micheal S. Lan. Autoantibodies against IA-2, GAD and Topoisomerase II in type 1 diabetic patients. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communication 320(3): 802-809, 2004 July. (SCI, 2004)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (10).Chang YH, Wu CH, Lee YL, Huang PH, Kao YL, and Shiau MY*. Evaluation of nuclear matrix protein-22 as a clinical diagnostic marker for bladder cancer. Urology 64: 687-692, 2004 Oct. (SCI, 2004)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (11).Lee YL, Shih CM, Chiou HL, Shiau MY, Chang GC, and Chang YH*. Alteration of autoantibodies against p53 in Taiwanese lung cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Clinica Chimica Acta 349: 87–96, 2004 Nov. (SCI, 2004)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (12).Shiau MY, Huang CN, Liao JH, and Chang YH*. Missense mutations in the human insulin promoter factor-1 gene are not a common cause of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Taiwan. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 27: 1076-1080, 2004 Dec. (SCI, 2004)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (13).Chang YH, Huang CN, Wu CY, and Shiau MY*. Association of Interleukin-10 A-592C and T-819C Polymorphisms with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Human Immunology 66: 1258-1263, 2005 Dec. (SCI, 2005)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕
    -1911 (14).Chang YH, Wang L, Lee MS, Cheng CW, Wu CY, and Shiau MY*. Genotypic characterization of Helicobacter pylori cagA and vacA from biopsy specimens of patients with gastroduodenal diseases. The Mount Sinai Journal of Medicine 73(3): 622-626, 2006 May. (SCI, 2006)<br><br><br>.<br>蕭明裕


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