
About HKU Nursing


The Department offers diverse programs including undergraduate programs (4-year BSN program and 2-year BSN program), 5-year junior college program, and a masters program.


¢ Mission and Goals

The Department aims to develop clinical nurse professionals who are competent and trusted by patients and their families and the public. In addition to strengthening basic medical and nursing knowledge, the curriculum focuses on learning related to the humanities, social, scientific, artistic and other knowledge and emphasizes the unity of theory and practice, so individual general capacities and dispositions, such as general clinical nursing skills, basic biomedical sciences, communication and cooperation, critical thinking, caring, ethical knowledge, accountability, and lifelong learning can be fostered.



The curriculum includes: humanities, arts disciplines, basic medical and nursing professional courses (such as medical/surgical, obstetrical, pediatric, community health and mental health nursing). The program places great emphasis on the entire process of care and clinical practice experiences. Each instructor is responsible for seven to ten students’ during internships in clinical sites at teaching hospitals in central Taiwan. Students who are interested in gerontological nursing, acute/critical care nursing, or Chinese medicine nursing may take the elective courses and practica for their future career development. Students may also take the courses or programs across departments for multidisciplinary training.


¢Career Development

The pass rate for the licensure examination for registered nursing for our graduates has been above the national norm over the years. Some graduates have pursued higher education in graduate schools. Our alumni serve in all levels of health institutions and agencies, including medical units, hospitals, research institutes, schools, and factories with great achievements and make great contributions to Taiwanese society and health care delivery systems.


¢Future Developmental Goals

The Department of Nursing has grown with the full support from the Board of Trustees, the president, and the other departments of the university. The Department will be guided under the school policies to meet the objectives of technical and vocational education by recruiting faculty members with higher professional ranks, enriching teaching technology, setting up a clinical skills teaching laboratory, strengthening social services, and encouraging active participation in research works. 


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